Plant Protection Strategy – Improving together
Watch films
In three films, farmers and winegrowers tell about their key experiences and successes in implementing environmentally sound strategies in plant protection for field crop production, fruit production and viticulture.

Field crop production – Canton Aargau
Field crop production 16 min. (original language Swiss German), with subtitles in EN, DE, FR, IT
Five sub-chapters can be selected individually:
- Controlling weeds
- Reducing harmful fungi
- Managing insect pests
- Using plant protection products in an environmentally friendly way
- Preventing runoff
Using potato cultivation as an example, various ways of saving plant protection products are discussed. Raphael Müller focuses on technical and structural improvements in the washing area as well as potential savings through forecasting (fungicides) and observation (insecticides). His "aha" experiences are complemented by Simon Kohler's experiences with herbicide-free potato cultivation (harrow, hoeing) and Philipp Fehlmann's experiences with conservation tillage and green manures using the example of rape seed.
- Raphael Müller, ÖLN arable farm, Wohlen AG,
- Simon Kohler, organic farm, Künten AG
- Philipp Fehlmann, ÖLN arable farm, Möriken AG

Fruit Production – Canton Bern
Fruit production 13 min. (original language Swiss German), with subtitles in EN, DE, FR, IT
Five subchapters:
- Presentation of the farm
- Managing insect pests
- Reducing harmful fungi
- Controlling weeds
- Using plant protection products in an environmentally friendly way
Martin Winkelmann summarises his most important experiences from 40 years of integrated pest management in fruit production: In order to need fewer insecticides, he uses confusion techniques and promotes beneficial insects, as he shows with the example of the pear leaf sucker. But he also has to cope with setbacks such as the marmorated tree bug. From the beginning of June, Martin Winkelmann only sprays organic products against storage diseases in apples. The most difficult thing is to be able to cover the large amount of work with the low prices on the market. Knowing a lot about the diseases and pests, exchanging ideas with others and constantly developing and learning are the keys to success for him.
- Martin Winkelmann, IP fruit farm, Winkelmann Obst AG, Studen BE,

Viticulture – Canton Valais
Viticulture 15 min. (original language French), with subtitles in EN, DE, FR, IT
Five subchapters:
- Presentation farm
- Controlling weeds
- Optimising the use of fungicides
- Managing insect pests
- Using plant protection products in an environmentally friendly way
Stéphane and Isabella Kellenberger took over the vineyard in Leuk seven years ago. They talk about their experiences, learning processes and successes with green cover to reduce herbicides. They save on synthetic pesticides by spraying only copper and sulphur after flowering. Thanks to the confusion technique, they do not use insecticides at all. Having more secured washing places is a great desire for the entire sector.
- Stéphane and Isabella Kellenberger, winery, Vin d’Oeuvre, Leuk-Stadt VS,
These films are available via YouTube links for sharing experiences, triggering learning processes and discussing possible adjustments on one's own farm in working groups, general assemblies, schools and farmers' meetings.